Saturday, November 12, 2011


 Product Packaging and Target Marketing:
As you can see, this isn’t your normal Coke bottle.
In a partnership with designer Karl Laggerfield, Coca Cola has introduced a very chic and girly bottle design in hopes to reach a very small beverage target market – young women.  Gatorade, energy drinks, soda- most of these are geared towards men (I’d only consider Starbucks to be targeted towards women. But that’s just one drink!)
Coke didn’t even have to do much- it’s still the same Coke we love and enjoy! (Though I am a Pepsi person myself) They just created a new design for it to be sold in, and BAM! New people to buy it.

This leaves the question; how can your business redesign some of its packaging? Add darker colors to make it more male-friendly? Or change the font to give a new vibe? There is a difference between Courier, Georgia, and the kinda message they give.Change the unit it comes in? (a box vs bag kinda thing)

#1: Why People Actually Buy a BAG OF CRAP

…can you believe he only paid $3 for all that?!
Woot, the online site famous for its one day deals, has come up with one of the greatest – and cheapest- sales promotion this blog has seen yet. (Which, is only one so far. But that still a feat in itself!)
 Introducing: THE BAG OF CRAP

On a random day, Woot will have a WootOff  where they try to sell any extra inventory they have. One of the most sought out items is the “Bag of Crap”. For three dollars, the online buyer will receive a “Bag of Crap” which is filled with three items (if you remember to click three while ordering!). People have been known to get TV’s, iPods, even laptops! They’ve also gotten half a cracked floor tile (not kidding). The thrill is that the buyer never knows! So obviously, they buy more.
Try to hold a “Bag of Crap” sales promotion! You can change it around to be in a shoebox, or something instead of “crap” (if you’re market is mostly families) –try to tailor the actual name to your business/organization (Woot’s known for its offhand humor and witty comments, so BoC fits). But the idea itself is brilliant! And can be worked a number of different ways:

  • Small boutiques can use the idea to have sale on last season’s accessories,
  •  Charities can use the idea with donated items for a BoC fundraiser.
  • I’m pretty sure you can even use for a weekend yard sale.
Leave a reply below with ideas on how you or anyone can use it!